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How can I get a better look at my Store Details?

YUMBI offers a store summary report that allows the user to view the details of stores offering Online and Call Centre ordering. This report displays summaries of the YUMBI products utilized by stores, what configurations are set up on these stores as well as the general success of the store on the YUMBI Platform.

You can watch a short video taking you through the Report here:

This report is available to Report Users and displays all the stores available on the profile of the user. To find the Store Details Report, the user can proceed to the Operations tab on the left-hand panel of the reports page and select ‘Store Summary’. Alternatively, they can follow this link to view the report.

 Figure 1

Three summaries are displayed on this report, breaking down the total number and percentages of stores under each category.  In Figure 1, each summary has been labelled and an explanation of each follows.

1. Store Product Summary:
The above summary displays the total number/percentage of stores that are signed up and utilize specific services.

  • StoreFront - The website and App online ordering services.
  • Switchboard - These are the Call Centre services, whether they are in-house or outsourced.
  • Delivery Provider - Stores that have an integration with a delivery provider service.

2. Store Configuration Summary:
The configuration summary displays the total number/percentage of stores on the platform that offers specific services.

  • Collection - This represents whether a restaurant has collections enabled. 
  • Curbside - This represents whether a restaurant has curbside services enabled. 
  • Delivery - This represents whether a restaurant has delivery services enabled. 
  • Cash Payments - This displays the total amount of cash payments received from collect and delivery orders that were placed at your restaurant.
  • Online Payments - This displays the total amount of online card payments received from orders that were placed at your restaurant.
  • Card on delivery Payments - This displays the total amount of card payments received from delivery orders that were placed at your restaurant.

3. Success Summary:
The Success Stats Summary measures and displays the total number/percentage of stores successfully receiving orders through the YUMBI platform and stores utilizing the campaigns available on YUMBI Engage.

  • Online Orders - This refers to the number/percentage of stores receiving Website/App orders for the past 30 days.
  • Call-in Orders -  This refers to the number/percentage of stores receiving Call Centre orders for the past 30 days.
  • Campaigns - This refers to the number/percentage of stores launching campaigns from the YUMBI Dashboard.
  • Average Campaigns per store -  This metric indicates the number of campaigns initiated in the last 30 days, offering insight into the promotional activity for the viewed restaurant(s). 
  • Average Orders - This refers to the average number of orders received by stores for the past 30 days.

Below the summaries, a table of information is populated to break down and display individual stores data. Below, we will expand upon each column and what this data represents. 

Figure 2:

Columns falling under Section A in Figure 2 represent the store information. The displayed information is:

This ID is used to identify the store on the YUMBI Platform.

The Brand associated with the restaurant.

Call Centre ID:
This ID is used to identify the Call Centre the store is on.

Restaurant Name:
The name of the restaurant.

Province/Reporting Region:
The province the outlet falls into.

External Reference: 
This ID is used by the store and Brand to identify the store externally.

Columns falling under Section B in Figure 2 represent the Customers and Orders for the listed store. The displayed information is:

Active Customers (12 Months):
This column refers to the total number of customers who have ordered in the past 12 months from the store. This is a rolling 12-month window and is adjusted daily to represent the most recent day.

Active Customers (30 Days):
This column refers to the total number of customers who have ordered from the store in the past 30 days.

% Active Customers:

Is a percentage representation of how many of the active 12-month customers have ordered within the past 30 days.

Total Orders (30 Days):
This is the total number of orders received in the past 30 days by the store.

Active Customer Order Frequency (30 Days):
This column displays the frequency at which customers are ordering from the outlet for the past 30 days.
This is calculated as such: Total Orders / Active Customers = Order Frequency

Finally, Columns falling under Section C in Figure 2 is a breakdown of the volume of orders received and campaigns run within the store.

Online Orders (30 Days):
This would represent the total number of App and Website orders placed at the store for the last 30 days.

Call-in Orders (30 Days):

This would represent the total number of Call Centre orders placed at the store for the last 30 days.

Campaigns Run (30 Days):
This column would display the total number of Campaigns run by the store for the last 30 days.

The Grid Information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option. Information such as an outlet’s street address, geo-coordinates, etc.



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