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How can I see my customer's feedback?

YUMBI has a feature called BeHeard that allows stores to collect feedback from customers regarding their ordering experience after an order has been placed. Feedback from customers is collected regarding their:

  • Online Ordering Experience,
  • Delivery or Collection Experience, and
  • Order Quality

You can watch a short video on the Report here:

This report is available to Brand Executives, Restaurant Owners and Restaurant Managers that have access to YUMBI reports. You can find this report under the overview panel on the reports page by the name ‘Customer Feedback’ or by following this link here. 

Once you have navigated your way to the report, you can begin filtering the data to find specific information. There are several ways you can filter this report:

  • By Date
  • By Brand
  • By All or Specific Restaurants 
  • Ordering Channels, such as Websites or Mobile Apps, 
  • The Type of Order (I.e. Collection, Delivery or Kerbside), and
  • Data Mode (i.e. Realtime or Summary view).

The report will then summarize this data into three categories based on the feedback collected from customers. These summaries display the number of responses the selected stores have received and their ratings based on a 5-Star System.

These ratings are displayed as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1

Moving down from the summaries, a table is populated with individual rows of feedback for each customer. The table is broken up into several columns detailing the customer's ratings, their feedback and general information. (See Figure 2)

The table's headings provide the following information t
o the Reports User:

  • Feedback Date
    This would be the date and time when the customer provided ratings and feedback on an order that was placed and accepted by the restaurant.
  • Order Date and Time
    This would be the date and time when the customer's order was placed and accepted by the 
  • Store Name
    The name of the
    restaurant on the YUMBI system.
  • Customer Name
    This would include the first and last name of the customer.
  • Mobile Number
     is the mobile number of the customer who placed the order.
  • Order Channels
    This show
    s what channel the customer ordered and provided feedback from. (I.e. Website, Android, iOS)
  • Order Value
    This displays the total order amount for the customer's order.
  • Channel Ratings
    is the customer's rating of their App or Website experience.
  • Order Type
    The order type refers to the type of order that was placed, such as a collection, delivery or kerbside order.
  • Driver Name
    This column displays the name of the driver who delivered the order to the customer.
  • Type Rating
    is the customer's rating of collection, delivery or kerbside experience.
  • Product Rating
     is the customer's rating of the order they received and the quality of the received items.
  • Comments 
    This column displays any comments or feedback from customers, that they have entered regarding any aspect of their experience.

Figure 2


  1. If a customer rates any of the feedback categories as 3-Stars or below, they will be asked to provide additional feedback. This feedback will be displayed in the ‘Comments’ Column.
  2. The table information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option.
  3. If a column has no information presented, this would be due to the customer opting to not provide feedback and ‘skipping’ that specific feedback page. 

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