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How can I read my Voucher Redemption Report?

The voucher redemption report offers valuable insights into customer engagement with promotional campaigns at a specific restaurant. It details the total count and value of vouchers redeemed by customers who participated in a campaign, breaking down the redemption online to the restaurant. 

Additionally, the report categorizes the vouchers redeemed online into different types, such as payment vouchers, discount vouchers, third-party vouchers, or vouchers used for partial settlement, providing a comprehensive overview of the voucher usage patterns.

You may click on this link for more information regarding the mentioned voucher types

You can watch a short video detailing the Report here:


Below we hope to answer any questions you may have and explore what this report has to offer.

Where can I find the voucher redemption report?

This report can be found on the left-hand Overview Panel on YUMBI Reports. Under the Engage Tab, you can find this report by the name “Vouchers(Figure 1) or by following this link to the report itself.

Figure 1:

What is the number of redemptions and the value of redemptions?

Number of redemptions:

This summary refers to the total number of all types of vouchers that were redeemed online at your restaurant. These voucher types include Payment Vouchers, Discount Vouchers and 3rd Party Payment Vouchers.

Value of redemptions:

This summary refers to the total value of the vouchers that were redeemed by customers online or at your restaurant. The summary includes Payment Vouchers, Discount Vouchers, 3rd Party Payment Vouchers, and Partially Settled Vouchers.

The Value of redemptions is broken down into two sections, namely: Payment and Discount.

  • The payment value section will reflect the total payment for redemptions of the value paid for each type of voucher and the partially payment voucher amount settled to your outlet.
  • The discount value section will provide the total discount redemptions of the value of standard discounts and discounts that are attributed to partially settled vouchers.

How can I filter this report?

The Restaurant Sales Report has six primary ways of filtering it.

  • These six options are by Date, Brand and Restaurant name, Campaign, Voucher type and Channels.
  • The campaign filtering type options include the type of campaigns the customers were enrolled in e.g. Birthday campaign (R50 voucher).

Below the Number of Redemptions on this report, you can select the number of entries available on the drop-down list to show more entries.

What do the columns represent on the Voucher Redemption Report?

Redemption date:
This refers to the date the voucher was redeemed by the customer online.

Campaign name:
This refers to the name of the campaign the voucher was redeemed for by the customer e.g. Birthday campaign (R50 voucher).

This refers to the name of the specific voucher that was redeemed.

Order Channel:
This displays the type of channel the customer used to redeem their voucher while placing an online order on the App, Website, Call centre, on iOS and Android mobile devices.

Redeemed Amount:
This refers to the amount of the voucher redeemed by the customer online.

Settled Amount: 

This refers to the partial settlement of the Redeemed amount of the voucher settled to the store.

Voucher Type:
This refers to the type of voucher the customer redeemed online. (Discount, Payment Voucher or Partially Settled Voucher)

Redemption Channel:
This refers to the platform these vouchers were redeemed by the customers. This could be via the app, website and Call Centre (where a customer provides their voucher code to an agent to redeem on the website when placing the customer’s order on the YUMBI platform) or through the stores POS if they have an integration with YUMBI.

Restaurant Name:
The refers to the name of the restaurant the voucher was redeemed at.
Customer name:
The refers to the name of the customer that redeemed the voucher online.
Customer reference:
This refers to the mobile number of the customer that redeemed the voucher online.

Customer Registration Date:
This displays the date the customer’s profile was created online or through the Call centre platform, for placing orders.
Date Activated:
This refers to the date in which the voucher campaign was activated.

Expiry Date:
This refers to the voucher date in which the voucher will expire.

The Grid Information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option.

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