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How do I view my Restaurant’s Sales on Switchboard?

The Restaurant Sales Report delivers detailed insights into your restaurant's sales by outlining transactions processed through the Call Centre. This report includes key financial metrics such as turnover excluding VAT, average spend including VAT, and the total amount from upsells. .

Here's a short video taking you through the report:

Below we hope to answer any questions you may have and explore what this report has to offer.

You can access this report on the left-hand panel of the YUMBI Reports page. Simply navigate to the Switchboard section and select “Restaurant Sales” (refer to Figure 1), or use this link to go directly to the report. 

Sales 1.png

Figure 1

 How can I filter this report?

The Restaurant Sales Report has three primary ways of filtering this report. These three options are by Date, Brand and Restaurant name you would like to view sales for.

The headings below (See Figure 2) provide summaries of the total number of Transactions, Turnover, Average Spend and Upsell total amount for all restaurants available on your profile.


rest sales report.png Figure 2

This provides a summary of all transactions made at the restaurants linked to your profile.

This summary provides the amount of money that is received in sales by all the restaurants linked to your profile.

Average spend:
The average spend report shows the average transaction value across the restaurants linked to your profile.

This summary provides the total amount of up-sell purchases made by customers at the restaurants linked to your profile through Call Centre agents.

What do the columns represent on the Restaurant Sales Report?

Below, we will walk through each column on the report and what the data refers to:

cOLUMNS.png Figure 3

This refers to the restaurant name the report is being viewed for.

Call Centre:
The name and Call Centre ID of the Call Centre in question.

These refer to the total number of transactions/orders received over the selected period.

This refers to the total amount of sales for the orders received by the store over the selected period.

Average Spend:
The average spend report shows the average transaction value across the selected period.

Up-sell Amount:
This refers to the total amount of up-sell purchases made by customers at your restaurant through a call centre agent. These purchases include sides, drinks and extras.

Up-sell Percent:
This refers to the total percentage of the up-sell sales made at your restaurant.

Additionally, when viewing the report, a user can select the name of a Call Centre on the Call Centre column to open up the agent sales report for that store and Call Centre. All Call Centre agents will be displayed as well as their sales and upsell values.

The Grid Information can be exported for data analysis and provides additional categories of information using the CSV Option.

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